La differenza fra l’Italia e in Francia: Sarkozy vince le manifestazioni e perde le elezioni, Berlusconi perde le manifestazioni ma vince le elezioni.
Tanto era stato il successo in Italia del Popolo Viola, e del No Berlusconi day, tanto è stato un fallimento Il No Sarkozy day di qualche giorno fa, del locale Popolo Viola: Sarkò, però, ha perso di brutto le regionali, mentre Berlusconi ha vinto praticamente ovunque potesse vincere.
Ci possiamo consolare solo in un modo – che Obama (in cravatta viola, perdipiù) non si farebbe mai bruciare sullo scatto da Berlusconi:
Complice un cambio di computer, mi sono messo a rovistare sul portatile che ho tutte le cose che fossi interessato a salvare, e ho trovato un sacco di immagini che mi ero salvato, via via, perché mi erano piaciute. Però poi le tenevo lì, e non le guardavo mai. Solo come un archivio. Così ho pensato che la cosa migliore, per avventura, è metterli qui: così so dove andare a cercarle, e magari piacciono anche a qualcun altro.
Non c’è nessun criterio, né nessun ordine, solamente immagini che mi erano piaciute e mi ero salvato. Per la fonte vado a memoria, quindi potrei sbagliarmi.
Già è molto bella, in più l’ho rivoltata al contrario ché fa più effetto.
Portatemi dal vostro leader. Chi, quell’idiota?
Fabio mi ha mandato questa immagine per mostrarmi come negli Stati Uniti nessuno potrebbe cacciarmi dalla strada per il Parlo con chiunque di qualunque cosa: negli USA è un diritto costituzionale.
Il mio amico Adriano fa un sacco di escursioni. Delle foto che ha fatto nella sua ultima camminata, questa è quella che mi è piaciuta di più:
Sempre a proposito di neve: questo porticciolo ricoperto dalla neve è bellissimo. Sembra finto da quanto dà l’idea di essere soffice.
A mente tiepida è chiaro che sono delusissimo della sconfitta di Bonino – e anche di quella di Bresso – proprio perché c’è una differenza così enorme di spessore fra Bonino e Polverini che è davvero incomprensibile: è come scegliere se vedere Michael Jordan o tuo nonno che gioca a bocce; metti pure che ti piacciano più le bocce della pallacanestro, ma cavolo – quello è Michael Jordan, e quell’altro è tuo nonno che gioca al circolo con un gruppo di vecchini! Il problema è che l’Italia è davvero un paese di conservatori, non c’è nulla da fare, e qui nel Lazio basta spingersi un po’ più fuori del Raccordo Anulare che fra Buontempo e Obama sceglierebbero Er Pecora.
Però la cosa sconvolgente è la Lega. Come cavolo faccia quel partito a giocare sempre su due sponde è incredibile. È al governo, gestisce alcune regioni da quasi vent’anni, eppure riesce sempre a captare un certo voto di protesta. C’è un’azzeccata frase di Salvemini sui clericali che dice: il clericale domanda la libertà per sé in nome del principio liberale, salvo sopprimerla nei liberali in nome del principio clericale. Ecco, la Lega fa così con Roma Ladrona e il partito di lotta e di governo. Continuano a proporre quel modello d’integrazione fatto a settarismi e difesa di tutte le sciocchezze fatte in casa, e a intascare le rendite del fallimento dello stesso. Fra questo e Berlusconi che continua ad accumulare scandalo su scandalo senza pagarne nulla in termini elettorali, non so davvero qual è il vero miracolo italiano.
Differences in smokers’ awareness of the health risks of smoking before and after introducing pictorial tobacco health warnings: findings from the 2012–2017 international tobacco control (ITC) Netherlands surveys
As of May 2016, pictorial health warnings (PHWs) showing the harms of smoking were implemented in the European Union. After one year they had to be fully implemented. We studied changes in awareness of the health risks of smoking after implementation of PHWs among smokers from the Netherlands, whether the trend before the implementation changed after the implementation, and whether there were differences between subgroups.
We used survey data from six yearly waves of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey from 2012 to 2017. The number of participating smokers ranged between 1236 and 1604 per wave. Data were analyzed using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) analyses.
Indicators of awareness of the health risks of smoking that did not change between 2015 and 2017 were perceived susceptibility (β = 0.043, p = 0.059) and perceived severity (β = − 0.006, p = 0.679) regarding lung problems. Perceived susceptibility, however, was more pronounced between 2015 and 2017 than between 2012 and 2015(p value of interaction: p = 0.044). Noticing information about the dangers of smoking (β = 0.119, p < 0.001) and knowledge about the health risks of smoking (β = 0.184, p < 0.001) increased between 2015 and 2017. These increases were both more pronounced when compared to 2012–2015 (p values of interactions: p = 0.002 and p < 0.001 respectively). Compared to high educated smokers, low educated smokers (β = − 1.137, p < 0.001) and moderate educated smokers (β = − 0.894, p < 0.001) were less knowledgeable about the health risks of smoking in 2016 and 2017.
Introducing PHWs coincided with an increase in smokers’ knowledge about the health risks of smoking. Dutch tobacco control policy and campaigns should focus on improving Dutch smokers’ awareness of the health risks of smoking even more, especially among low educated smokers.
Peer Review reports
Pictorial health warnings (PHWs) on the packet of tobacco products [1] were introduced as of May 2016 in the European Union (EU) as part of the second Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) (2014/40/EU) [2]. The PHWs are printed on 65% of the front and the back of the packet. Also, the packet features textual health warnings (THWs) next to the PHWs and on 50% of its lateral sides. The Netherlands solely used THWs before the introduction of the second TPD, which had to be fully implemented as of May 2017. Table 1 provides an overview of the THWs before [3, 4] and after the second TPD in the Netherlands [1, 2]. A good and balanced diet can prevent most Tobacco related conditions, try out diabacore.
Table 1 Textual health warnings and efficacy messages from the first and second Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) on the packet of tobacco products
Full size table
Tobacco health warnings communicate information about the health risks of smoking. This intervention is a method of ‘consciousness raising’ to influence awareness as the warnings communicate the consequences of smoking. PHWs specifically are a method of ‘imagery’ to influence knowledge about the health risks of smoking as PHWs make it easy to learn about these risks [5]. Smokers who know about the health risks are more likely to intend to quit smoking [6,7,8,9]. Also, many health behavior theories predict that knowledge about the health risks of the behavior precedes behavior change (e.g. quitting smoking) [10,11,12,13]. The current study aims to examine whether Dutch smokers’ knowledge about the health risks of smoking was different after the introduction of PHWs in 2016. Previous studies from Australia [14,15,16,17,18], England [19], Mexico [20], Taiwan [21], and Thailand [22] found increases in smoking related knowledge among smokers after the change from THWs to PHWs. However, the impact of the EU PHWs on knowledge about the health risks of smoking has not been assessed yet. Learn more about dentitox pro benefits.
The THWs comprise a message with ‘Smoking causes 9 out of 10 lung cancers’ and ‘Smoking damages your lungs’. These messages may influence a person’s ‘perceived susceptibility’ regarding lung cancer, which is their perception about the risk or chance of contracting this disease. Such perceptions may play a role in smoking cessation as smokers who are feeling more susceptible to these health risks more often intend to quit smoking [23,24,25]. Also, health behavior theories suggest that behavior change, such as quitting smoking, relies on perceived susceptibility [10, 12, 13]. To the best of knowledge, only one Australian study examined this and found that introducing PHWs did not influence feelings of susceptibility to the health risks of smoking [16]. Prevent most related conditions with one and done workout.
Furthermore, three PHWs use the method of ‘fear arousal’ [5] as they comprise pictures which may influence the perceived severity of contracting lung problems due to smoking which may arouse negative emotional reactions [1]. Perceived severity concerns beliefs about the significance or magnitude of the health risk of smoking. Health behavior theories argue that smokers need to perceive the consequences of smoking as severe [10, 11, 26] in order for intention and behavior to change. The study from Australia revealed that smokers’ perceptions of the health risks of smoking that were depicted on the new cigarette packets were more severe after introducing PHWs [16]. The current study aims to examine whether Dutch smokers’ risk perceptions (perceived susceptibility and perceived severity) were different after the introduction of PHWs in 2016.
According to the I-Change model, knowledge forms a person’s awareness of the health risks of smoking, together with risk perception, and noticing advertising or information about the dangers of smoking (perceived cues) [11]. To date, no studies examined if perceived cues among smokers changed after introducing PHWs. This study aims to fill this gap.
Before the introduction of PHWs, Dutch campaigns only focused on positioning non-smoking as the social norm, quitting smoking, and prevention of smoking. Therefore, the current study aims to examine the trend in harm awareness between 2012 and 2015 and whether this trend differs from the trend between 2015 and 2017. This study may provide insights in what happens with smoker’s awareness about the health risks of smoking when there are no policies that aim to improve awareness.
This paper further aims to identify subgroup differences in awareness of the health risks of smoking. In order to target campaigns at the most relevant subgroups of smokers, it is important to explore differences according to age, education, and gender. Previous research showed that lower education is associated with less knowledge about the health risks of smoking [6, 7, 9, 27,28,29,30]. Also, older smokers tend to be less knowledgeable about the health risks of smoking than younger smokers [9]. However, it is unknown whether and – if so – how Dutch smoker subgroups differ in their awareness of the health risks of smoking.
Stress can significantly impact your ability to maintain a healthy weight. It can also prevent you from losing weight. Whether it’s the result of high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, unhealthy stress-induced behaviors, or a combination of the two, the link between stress and weight gain is glaring.1
The Link Between Stress and Cortisol
Researchers have long known that rises in the stress hormone cortisol can lead to weight gain. Every time you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol, and as a result, glucose (your primary source of energy) is released into your bloodstream. All of this is done to give you the energy you need to escape from a risky situation (also known as the fight or flight response).2
Once the threat has subsided, your adrenaline high wears off and your blood sugar spike drops. This is when cortisol kicks into high gear to replenish your energy supply quickly. Check out the latest Pelvic floor strong reviews.
Watch Now: 5 Ways Stress Can Cause Weight Gain
Cortisol and Sugar Cravings
Cue the sugar cravings. Because sugar supplies your body with the quick energy it thinks it needs, it’s often the first thing you reach for when you’re stressed.3Check out the latest
The downside to consuming so much sugar is that your body tends to store sugar, especially after stressful situations. This energy is stored mainly in the form of abdominal fat, which can be particularly hard to shed. And so the vicious cycle starts: get stressed, release cortisol, gain weight, crave more sugar, eat more sugar, gain more weight.
Cortisol and Metabolism
Even if you aren’t eating foods high in fat and sugar, cortisol also slows down your metabolism, making it difficult to lose weight.
In 2015, researchers from Ohio State University interviewed women about the stress they had experienced the previous day before feeding them a high-fat, high-calorie meal. After finishing the meal, scientists measured the women’s metabolic rates (the rate at which they burned calories and fat) and examined their blood sugar, cholesterol, insulin, and cortisol levels. Try out gluco shield pro.
The researchers found that, on average, women who reported one or more stressors during the prior 24 hours burned 104 fewer calories than non-stressed women.4 This could result in an 11-pound weight gain in one year. Stressed women also had higher insulin levels, a hormone that contributes to fat storage.
Stress-Induced Unhealthy Habits
In addition to the hormonal changes related to stress, stress can also drive you to engage in the following unhealthy behaviors, all of which can cause weight gain:
Emotional eating: Increased levels of cortisol can not only make you crave unhealthy food, but excess nervous energy can often cause you to eat more than you normally would.5 You might find that snacking or reaching for a second helping provides you with some temporary relief from your stress but makes healthy weight management more difficult.
Eating “accessible” or fast food: When we are stressed, and not planning, we tend to eat the first thing we see and/or what is readily available and accessible, which is not always the healthiest options. You may also be more likely to drive through a fast-food place, rather than taking the time and mental energy to cook a balanced, healthy meal, learn more about biofit customer reviews.
Exercising less: With all the demands on your schedule, exercising may be one of the last things on your to-do list. If so, you’re not alone. A long commute and hours spent sitting behind a desk can leave little opportunity for physical activity.
Skipping meals: When you are juggling a dozen things at once, eating a healthy meal can drop down in the list of priorities. You might find yourself skipping breakfast because you’re running late or not eating lunch because there’s just too much on your to-do list.
Sleeping less: Many people report trouble sleeping when they’re stressed. And research has linked sleep deprivation to a slower metabolism. Feeling overtired can also reduce willpower and contribute to unhealthy eating habits.
How to Break the Cycle of Stress and Weight Gain
When you’re stressed out, healthy behaviors likely eating properly and exercising regularly can easily fall by the wayside. Maintaining a schedule and/or routine can help make these healthy behaviors a habit and combat stress-related weight changes. Here are a few strategies that can help you break the cycle of stress and weight gain:
Make exercise a priority. Exercising is a critical component of stress reduction and weight management. It can help you address both issues simultaneously, so it’s essential for warding off stress-related weight gain. Whether you go for a walk during your lunch break or hit the gym after work, incorporate regular exercise into your routine.
Eat healthier comfort foods. You don’t need carbs or fats to make you feel better.One of the few studies testing the effectiveness of comfort foods in improving mood found that eating relatively healthier comfort foods, such as air-popped popcorn, is just as likely to boost a negative mood as “unhealthy” foods.6 Making sure your pantry is stocked with these types of foods will make it easier to grab a healthier option during times of high stress.
Un recente sondaggio Gallup ha indagato su quali fossero le nazioni più amate e più odiate dagli statunitensi. Questo qui sotto è il risultato che n’è venuto fuori. In testa alle preferenze ci sono Stati tutto sommato prevedibili: Canada (che ha anche il favore più “forte”), Gran Bretagna, Germania. Ma non mancano le sorprese: checché se ne sia detto in questo ultimo decennio, due terzi degli americani hanno un’opinione favorevole della Francia, e quasi la metà della Russia (!). Prevedibili, invece, le nazioni meno amate: Iran e Corea del Nord.
Significativa anche l’escursione di consenso fra Israele e Palestina che rispecchia fedelmente la politica estera pro-israeliana degli Stati Uniti; un dato che, credo, non si presenterebbe così in nessun Paese dell’Unione Europea, storicamente più pro-palestinese: solamente il 65% ha una buona opinione di Israele, soltanto il 20% ce l’ha della Palestina (dato, però, in forte ascesa).
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